
According to a recent PitchBook report, medtech M&A is on the rise, especially with cardiovascular tech and surgical robotics.

Key points to note about this recent shift:

▪️ Q1 2024 saw $3.3B in funding, up from $2.8B in Q4 2023

▪️ Cardiovascular and surgical robotics led the charge with $2.2B and $1B, respectively, in the past year

▪️ About 1/2 of the Q1 funding went to later-stage deals.

This surge in deal value suggests there could be a strong rest of the year ahead for manda activity. Stabilizing public medtech valuations could further contribute to this trend, allowing for new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Give this Axios article a read for more.

Discover more about Louis Lehot and explore additional professional insights on his website: https://louislehot.com

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